Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Spaghetti Sauce

1 # 10 can crushed tomatoes
2/3 cup Spicy spaghetti seasoning mix
1 - 2 T. parsley
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. Rosemary and Garlic Seasoning
Chopped onion
Chopped green pepper
1 or 2 carrots sliced into coins
1 lb ground beef or sausage

Brown ground beef or sausage, with onions and green peppers. Mix all together. Bring to a boil and turn to low and let simmer at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

This gives me enough spaghetti sauce for 2 meals. I freeze it in a gallon size ziploc bag and date it. I have it for a day that I need a quick meal or take it camping with me.

I don't always put ground beef or sausage in this. Sometimes I make spinach lasagna and don't want to have the meat in there.

I hope you enjoy this. I haven't done it in a dutch oven yet, but you most definitely could.

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